Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Game night in Lego Land

Tonight Jalen Rose has invited all the NBA players over to play Clue-- "Parker Brothers Classic Detective Game". Clue is a game in which six players try to solve a mystery about which one of them committed a murder. The players also have to figure out where the murder took place and what the murder weapon was.
Below: Dirk Nowitzki and Shaq examine the roll of the dice.
Steve Francis thinks he is on to something-- he has found this lead pipe lying on the floor of the lounge. Vince Carter definitely agrees that the lounge is a strange place to find a slightly-bent lead pipe.
Meanwhile, Jalen Rose and Dirk Nowitzki are investigating the kitchen. They both believe that this large candlestick may hold important clues.
The time has come for the players to make their accusations and then to reveal the true identity of the murder. They have all gathered (see photo below) for the final showdown.
Everyone wonders-- "Who will it turn out to be?"


  1. The word you had trouble spelling was either "accusation" or "committed" by my best estimations.

  2. Sorry, the word I have trouble spelling is "definitely."

  3. Huh - go figure - I guess I overestimated your spelling ability!


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